Alles über dein Baby

Everything about your baby

A comprehensive guide for new parents

Welcome to your journey into parenthood! If you've landed here, you're probably a new parent or expecting a baby soon. No matter what stage you're in, we have everything you need to know to prepare for this exciting time and support your baby in the best possible way.

The first few weeks: What to expect

The first few weeks with your baby are a mixture of joy, excitement and, yes, a little chaos. Your little darling will need a lot of sleep and you will learn to understand his needs better and better. From the first breastfeeding to the first bath - here are a few tips to help you get through the first few weeks:

Breastfeeding and feeding:
Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the first few days are a learning phase for you and your baby. Make sure you are in a good position and be patient with both of you.

Sleep rhythm:
Newborns sleep a lot, but often in short intervals. Try to adapt to your baby's rhythm and use rest breaks to get some sleep yourself.

Bonding and closeness:
Cuddling, skin contact and soothing voices help your baby to feel safe and secure. Carry your baby around a lot, this strengthens the bond.

The most important baby equipment
There are tons of baby products on the market, but what do you really need? Here is a list of essentials:

Stroller and carrier:
Whether you prefer a stroller or carrying your baby - both have their advantages. A baby carrier is particularly practical for short journeys or when you want to have both hands free.

Baby clothes:
Bodysuits, rompers, hats - choose comfortable clothes that are easy to put on and take off. Make sure the materials are soft and won't irritate your baby's sensitive skin.

Changing station:
A well-organized changing area saves time and stress. Keep everything close at hand: diapers, wet wipes, a change of clothes and a soft surface.

Milestones in the first year
Every baby develops at their own pace, but there are some milestones you can look out for:

First smile
Often between the sixth and eighth week, your baby will give you his or her first smile. An unforgettable moment!

Raise and turn head
At around three to four months, babies begin to lift their heads and turn them to the side.

Sitting, crawling and first steps
These milestones usually occur between the sixth and twelfth month. Be patient and supportive, but don't put pressure on your baby.

Frequently asked questions from new parents
There is hardly a time in life that raises as many questions as the first few months with a baby. Here are some of the most common questions:

How often should I feed my baby?
Newborns eat about every two to three hours. As your baby grows, the intervals will become longer.

How much sleep does my baby need?
In the first few weeks, babies sleep up to 16-18 hours a day, but at irregular intervals.

When should I start introducing solid foods?
Most babies are ready to start solid foods around six months. Look for signs such as increased interest in your food and the ability to sit upright with support.

Understanding your baby

It takes a while until you can correctly interpret your baby's various signals and needs. Crying can have different meanings - hunger, tiredness, a full diaper or simply the desire for closeness. Trust your gut feeling and be patient.


The first few months with your baby are an exciting, sometimes challenging time. With a little preparation and a lot of love, you will master this phase and build a wonderful bond with your little treasure. Stay flexible, listen to your heart and enjoy the many precious moments!

Do you have any questions or would you like to share your experiences? Please leave us a comment!

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